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Estonian National Climate Adaptation Strategy for Infrastructure and Energy (ENFRA)

The project “Estonian Climate Adaptation Strategy for Infrastructure and Energy” (ENFRA), implemented by SEI Tallinn aimed at supplementing the knowledge gaps on climate change impacts, adaptation needs and options in Estonia. The project goal was to help society to better cope with any negative impacts that may arise as a result of climate change and extreme weather events.

Inactive project


Related people

Tiit Kallaste

SEI Affiliated Researcher

Piret Kuldna

Senior Expert (Green and Circular Economic Transformations Unit)

SEI Tallinn

Helen Poltimäe

Senior Expert (Climate Systems and Energy Policy Unit)

SEI Tallinn

Evelin Piirsalu

Senior Expert (Green and Circular Economic Transformations Unit)

SEI Tallinn

Heidi Tuhkanen
Heidi Tuhkanen

Senior Expert (Green and Circular Economic Transformations Unit)

SEI Tallinn

Valdur Lahtvee

Senior Project Manager (Climate Systems and Energy Policy Unit)

SEI Tallinn

In particular, the project targeted the infrastructure and energy sectors, with a focus on how to mainstream adaptation into daily activities and ensure that adaptation in Estonia occurs in a coordinated and thoughtful way. The project included a range of awareness-raising activities for interest groups and the general public on climate change impacts, adaptation options and best practices for implementation.

The project team produced a comprehensive overview of expected climate change impacts in Estonia, and a list of suitable and cost-efficient adaptation measures. On the basis of the project results, the Estonian Ministry of the Environment prepared the Estonian National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Implementation Plan, for the government’s approval.

Along with the national government, the project was expected to inform and benefit local governments, state infrastructure, public service companies, and private companies involved in electricity and heat production and transmission, communications, construction, road-building and maintenance, and other activities that may be affected by climate change.

The project was carried out with the support of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009–2014 programme “Integrated management of marine and inland water” as part of the project “Estonian National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Implementation Plan”.

In parallel with SEI Tallinn’s project, input for setting up the Estonian National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy was also provided by a climate change adaptation project by KATI (University of Tartu Geography department) concentrating on spatial planning, land use, human health and rescue capability; a RAKE (Research Centre of University of Tartu) project focused on climate change adaptation measures in areas of economics, society, awareness and cooperation; and the BioClim project (led by the Estonian University of Life Sciences) focusing on climate change adaptation in areas such as the natural environment and bioeconomy.

Project partners:

SEI Tallinn

Estonian University of Life Sciences Institute of Technology 

Baltic Energy Forum, Estonia

Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway

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