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Upscaling small scale organic waste processing ventures for circular economy in cities in SSA and East Asia

The study generated knowledge to inform the upscaling of investments in small-scale organic waste processing ventures in cities in low and middle-income countries. It proposed an analytical approach combining urban metabolism analysis and economic modeling using SEI’s Resource Value Mapping tool, political economy analysis, and business model assessment to understand the socio-technical viability, policy, and other support systems for urban organic waste processing in a circular economy.

Active project


Organic waste

Sorted organic waste in a waste dump in Naivasha, Kenya. Photo: Lawrence Nzuve/SEI

In efforts to meet the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, especially goals 2, 9, 7 and 11, harnessing waste materials is receiving increasing attention. However, sustainable management of municipal waste is a growing sustainability problem for governments and local authorities in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), particularly in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and East Asia. Expanding cities such as Nairobi, Kenya and Pune, India especially operate underdeveloped municipal solid waste management (SWM) systems characterized by inadequate waste collection, poor disposal practices and limited harnessing of waste into economic opportunities (particularly, in the informal sector).

The study investigates the scope, viability and potential of small-scale organic waste processing ventures in promoting a closed-loop flow of organic wastes in the circular economy. The study responds to the question: How can an analysis of small-scale ventures support strategic decisions on whether, how, and what is needed to upscale circular economy (CE) flows of urban organic waste in low- and middle-income countries?

The specific objectives of the research are as follows:

  1. To assess the potentials and viability of the different ventures in urban organic waste processing for circular economy and how they can contribute to socio-economic, health and environmental objectives
  2. To explore ways of scaling up small scale urban organic waste processing in urban areas in low- and middle-income countries

Project Team

Cassilde Muhoza

Research Fellow

SEI Africa

Romanus Opiyo
Romanus Opiyo

Programme Leader

SEI Africa

George Njoroge is a Research Fellow at SEI Africa.
George Njoroge

Research Fellow

SEI Africa

Daniel Ddiba
Daniel Ddiba

Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Lawrence Nzuve

Communications Coordinator


SEI Africa

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