Find journal articles, partner publications, and SEI’s own portfolio of reports, papers and briefs. All SEI’s in-house publications are subject to high standards of double-blind peer review.
SEI report / Integrating sanitation considerations into national climate policies is not just necessary but urgent, as is integrating climate into sanitation frameworks.
SEI brief / This five-step framework can help island states assess their energy systems and shift to decentralized, renewable and resilient ways to produce energy.
SEI brief / This brief argues that greater understanding about the needs of various stages of life is needed to create policies that can promote sustainable consumption.
157 publications / 1 of 11 pages
Other publication / This report explores the development of a framework and indicators for monitoring sustainability transitions in European food systems.
SEI report / This SEI report examines issues that must be addressed to foster community-led initiatives to plan, maintain, restore and expand urban nature spaces.
Journal article / Adaptable and user-friendly climate information tools offer valuable insights for mitigating climate risks and supporting adaptation efforts.
Other publication / This report considers how justice is tackled in the policies which are currently in place to deliver the European Green Deal.
Other publication / Uuring defineerib energiaostuvaesuse ja transpordivaesuse mõisted Eesti kontekstis ning pakub välja meetmeid selle nende leevendamiseks.
SEI brief / This five-step framework can help island states assess their energy systems and shift to decentralized, renewable and resilient ways to produce energy.
Journal article / This paper shows the advantages of soft measures, such as education and awareness campaigns, to handle the problem of plastic waste in the Baltic Sea Region.
Other publication / This brief offers insights into using ecosystem-based approaches for integrating disaster risk reduction, climate, land and biodiversity goals.
Other publication / Raport annab ülevaate ülevaate tekstiilijäätmete tekkest ja ringlussevõtu võimalustest Eestis.
Journal article / Decentralized grid solutions could be a feasible alternative to improve resilience and mitigate cascading effects in island states.
SEI working paper / See aruanne pakub välja neli stsenaariumi Eesti, Läti, Leedu ja Soome gaasivõrgu dekarboniseerimiseks.
SEI working paper / This working paper presents four scenarios and identifies viable options for decarbonizing the gas sector in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland.
SEI working paper / Rohejälje ruumisekkumiste mõju-uuring vaatles, kuidas mõjutasid 2023. aasta suvel Tallinna linnaruumi tehtud ümberkorraldused inimeste ruumikasutust ja -taju.
SEI report / Töö annab ülevaate planetaarsete piiride raamistikuga seotud olulisematest teemadest ja nende rakendamise võimalustest Eestis.
Journal article / Disaster recovery and research have failed to sufficiently analyse power dynamics and social processes related to participation, according to a new review.
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