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Flood-resistant ecological sanitation takes off in a rural community

This fact sheet describes a pilot project that supported construction of household ecological sanitation (ecosan) toilets specially adapted to be resistant to seasonal flooding, in a poor rural community in India’s Bihar State.

Kim Andersson / Published on 21 April 2014

Andersson, K. (2014). Flood-resistant ecological sanitation takes off in a rural community. SEI fact sheet, part of package on Bihar project.

In Burmi Tola hamlet, seasonal flooding adds to the already serious pollution and health risks associated with open defecation. Many simple dry sanitation systems, including soak-pit latrines, the only type of sanitation previously tried in the community, break down or overflow during flooding.

In order to reduce costs and build local ownership, the project supported professional construction of flood-proofed raised toilet substructures, while households built the superstructure according to their means and preferences. This approach, supported with long-term follow-up, successfully built acceptance, and toilets were built for most households in Burmi Tola as well as some in nearby communities.

This was a pilot project under a three-year action-research project carried out collaboratively by SEI and the WASH Institute, India, with funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida).

Download the fact sheet (PDF, 1.6MB)

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