Adaptation to climate change is a key area of SEI's research. In particular, we focus on adaptation policy and finance under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, vulnerability assessments, capacity building and community-based adaptation.
1121 results / 6 of 125 pages
Project / Identifying pathways to more inclusive adaptation strategies to transform current approaches and mitigate unintended negative consequences
Feature / SEI's Kate Williamson and Rosie Witton discuss new insights about climate change adaptation in mountains, a region of growing policy and research attention.
Past event / SEI and HelpAge International hosted an online dialogue to explore challenges around ageing in a changing climate in the Asia-Pacific region.
Past event / Join weADAPT for an "open house" to see all the new features made possible by its upgrade.
Perspective / Karina Barquet discusses the innovative strategies of Small Island Developing States in tackling climate change challenges.
Collection / Explore how SEI’s innovative research and projects are driving sustainable solutions to preserve our planet’s rich biological diversity.
Project / The Maximising UK Adaptation to Climate Change project aims to assess how the country can best adapt to extreme weather and other effects of climate change.
Feature / Learn about SEI's efforts with local partners to improve early warning systems and resilience to flooding in Thailand’s Sai-Ruak River basin.
Feature / Learn why Nordic supply chains must adapt to withstand climate disruptions, as discussed at the recent Nordic Environment and Climate Ministerial meeting.
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