Our research recognises that disaster risk and development are closely linked: it is development processes that largely determine who and what is exposed to risk as well how much, and how effectively they can respond. SEI works to integrate disaster risk reduction with equitable, sustainable and resilient development.
513 results / 2 of 57 pages
Feature / SIDS4 highlighted urgent climate action plans and introduced the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda to combat threats to small island nations.
Journal article / This perspective argues that bringing local knowledge co-production into systemic risk analyses can help identify opportunities for changes to build resilience.
Perspective / Karina Barquet discusses the innovative strategies of Small Island Developing States in tackling climate change challenges.
Perspective / Ahead of the fourth International Conference on SIDS, explore how they shape global climate action and biodiversity.
Feature / Learn about SEI's efforts with local partners to improve early warning systems and resilience to flooding in Thailand’s Sai-Ruak River basin.
Feature / Learn why Nordic supply chains must adapt to withstand climate disruptions, as discussed at the recent Nordic Environment and Climate Ministerial meeting.
Other publication / Gary Haq contributed six entries relating to climate change for this research encyclopaedia.
Project / The Resilient Coasts Caribbean Sea project will develop Living Labs for coastal ecosystem management using nature-based solutions.
Media coverage / SEI Africa expert on water systems, Harriette Adhiambo Okal, speaks on 'water wars' and the importance of harnessing technological solutions to water scarcity.
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