Our research focuses on the effectiveness, efficiency and fairness of the international climate finance regime, but also looks beyond it, at how the global financial system at large either supports or undermines the societal transitions needed to achieve sustainable development.
658 results / 62 of 74 pages
Journal article / This paper aims to assess how climate change adaptation funds have been legitimized – that is, how they have been justified and made acceptable.
Tool / Resource Value Mapping (REVAMP) helps city planners estimate resources and reuse potential in a city's wastewater and their financial values.
Feature / In 2010–2014, a total of US$748 million in official development assistance focused on responding to climate change flowed to the 15 nations, mainly bilaterally.
SEI working paper / Analysis of climate finance flows to Pacific Island states in 2010–2014 and recent data on flows from multilateral climate funds.
Perspective / A new interactive tool shows how countries address priorities in their nationally determined contributions under the Paris Agreement.
Feature / Experiences in Tanzania and Zambia show the tensions between pursuing much-needed private investment and ensuring that benefits accrue to all citizens.
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