How can we meet the nutritional needs and expectations of a growing world population? And how do we do it without compromising long-term sustainability? SEI research explores the transition to sustainable food and agricultural systems.
836 results / 3 of 93 pages
Past event / Watch this expert panel discuss how to tackle climate action in food systems while also protecting public health, ecosystems and animal welfare.
Feature / EU imports of cocoa and palm oil drive major global deforestation, new Trase research shows.
Journal article / This study shows options for potential land-system futures for the Gran Chaco, a global deforestation hotspot with high biological and cultural diversity.
Journal article / This article explores the positions and views of stakeholders who resist the zero-deforestation agenda.
Feature / Fifteen Estonian schools are participating in the SchoolFood4Change project, aiming to instil healthy and sustainable eating habits in students.
Press release / A new SEI report reveals that the EU’s focus on territorial emissions understates the impact of its consumption globally.
Past event / See our presentation at the Air Pollution Conference Brazil on how FOCI is assessing the influence of climate change mitigation measures on non-CO2 forcers.
Feature / Read how SEI-supported training is enhancing Ugandan women’s dairy skills, fostering economic and community growth.
Feature / SEI experts discuss pressing biodiversity challenges and strategies ahead of COP16 in Colombia.
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