Around 2.4 billion people use biomass fuels - wood, charcoal and animal dung - for their domestic energy needs. These are typically burned in inefficient stoves or on open fires, with serious consequences for health and the environment. SEI identifies and designs actions to help households transition to cleaner technologies and energy sources.
228 results / 3 of 26 pages
Perspective / This op-ed offers key insights into a new report featuring contributions from SEI York and SEI Africa, originally published in The Conversation.
Feature / SEI researchers Emily Ghosh and Anisha Nazareth explain how they calculated the "emissions inequality" that informs a new Oxfam report.
Past event / SEI Tallinn, the City of Tallinn and Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia held a conference on transitioning to green governance.
Project / The Ugandan government hopes to scale up cleaner cooking options to curb the health and climate damage caused by burning wood and charcoal.
Journal article / We assessed different mitigation and adaptation pathways for energy and water supply and demand and implications for achieving SDGs in West Africa.
Past event / SEI teams have developed tools that can support long-term integrated climate and development planning using the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP).
Media coverage / SEI's Anderson Kehbila speaks about Kenya's power sector and the country's efforts in reducing carbon emissions.
Perspective / Improving indoor air quality remains a global issue that requires collective action.
Press release / To overcome air pollution, SEI, UNEP and Nakuru County call for stronger partnerships, increased investment and shared responsibility.
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