Technological innovation can play a central role in transforming society for sustainable outcomes. SEI examines the conditions that enable new, green technologies to flourish.
347 results / 4 of 39 pages
Perspective / Carlsen argues that innovation is required at the societal level and that the state must play a much more active role in the transition away from fossil fuels.
Feature / A recent SEI webinar provided a deep dive into the future of ocean-based renewable energy.
Past event / Learn more about new research on the potential of combining offshore wind and hydrogen power, with experts mapping out what should be the next steps.
Past event / What risks and opportunities are surfacing as we begin 2024? What issues warrant greater attention? Expert panelists offered their perspectives.
SEI brief / This brief examines marine multi-use projects to evaluate current applications and understand potential opportunities and barriers for future projects.
Feature / COP28 launches LeadIT 2.0, uniting global leaders for a sustainable, inclusive industrial transition aligned with the Paris Agreement.
Past event / This official COP28 side event will address how to accelerate a just and equitable industry transition.
Past event / Join the FSD team at COP28 as they participate in three events on renewable energy investment, trade and green steel production.
Other publication / This report focuses on the potential environmental, health, social and animal welfare implications of the uptake of novel meat and dairy alternatives.
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