How can we meet the growing global demand for food and other biomass-based products in a way that protects valuable ecosystems?
320 results / 3 of 36 pages
Media coverage / The Guardian cites SEI's Rasmus Kløcker Larsen on a study about how developer contracts affect Sami reindeer herders in Sweden.
Journal article / In this paper, the authors offer an analysis of a selection of agreements involving Sami reindeer herders in Sweden.
SEI working paper / Land-based mitigation technologies and practices (LMTs) have great potential in China; how does policy promote these practices despite challenges?
Other publication / The German economy is linked to significant amounts of deforestation risk, but the majority of this risk results from just five key commodities.
Perspective / Unprecedented pressure on the planet’s finite resources fuels a new race for space of all kinds. How will we manage the trade-offs and resulting conflicts?
Journal article / In this study, the authors investigated how evaporation and transpiration vary within 3 Brazilian biomes for natural and managed land uses and land covers.
Journal article / The authors present a novel spatiotemporal hydropeaking impact assessment of socio-recreational ecosystem services (SRESs).
Project / A new alliance championing socially responsible renewable energy implementation with meaningful participation and benefits for communities across the globe.
Project / Green transition has become a catch-all solution, but it's not without its trade-offs and conflicts. We seek to highlight them to ensure a just transition.
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