Building on a long legacy of pioneering work, SEI explores ways to provide equitable, universal access to hygiene and sanitation, with a focus on systems that offer multiple benefits in terms of health, environmental sustainability, livelihoods and food security.
288 results / 6 of 32 pages
Feature / Learn more about three water innovations from SEI's co-led sWASH&grow project, featured in SEB's 'Green Bond' report.
Other publication / This systematic evidence synthesis collated evidence on the impact of WASH interventions on GESI outcomes in low- and middle-income countries.
Past event / SEI is co-hosting a Side Event at the UN 2023 Water Conference to discuss gender equality from policy, practice and research perspectives.
Past event / On World Water Day 2023, Swedish EU Presidency, FAO Liaison Office in Brussels, and SIANI, are hosting a seminar on sustainable water and sanitation management.
Perspective / UN Regional Forums on Sustainable Development in 2023 have been sending a clear message: time is short; progress is less than expected.
Feature / Water is a central research topic at SEI. This World Water Day, explore SEI's latest research and perspectives on water.
SEI brief / Read our fact sheet introducing SEI's flagship WEAP tool and what it can do for water planners.
Past event / The Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) will host a meeting for the North American contingent just before the UN Water Conference in New York.
Feature / Learn more about water actions proposed by SEI experts to support water-related SDGs and our engagement at the UN 2023 Water Conference.
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