The Sustainable Development Goals reflect a global consensus that economic, social and environmental aspects of development are inextricably linked and mutually dependent. SEI offers scientific support to the conceptualization, implementation and follow-up of the goals.
667 results / 4 of 75 pages
Past event / Key stakeholders gather at HLPF 2024 to discuss the role of science in SDG acceleration.
Collection / Discover how SEI is transforming global sustainability and operationalizing the SDGs through innovative methods and tools.
Journal article / The world should redouble its efforts on the SDGs, not abandon them. Here’s how to accomplish the UN’s agenda by 2050.
Past event / SEI experts will provide input on key climate change topics at the forefront of UNFCCC discussions.
Other publication / This report aims to support government officials, tasked with identifying, evaluating and implementing climate and sustainable development plans and policies.
Perspective / SEI and UNDP authors explore the urgency of managing transboundary climate risks to safeguard global progress.
Feature / Morocco’s 2050 net-zero strategy, supported by SEI, aims to boost GDP, create jobs, and achieve significant environmental and economic benefits.
Project / SEI aids Irish Embassy in Lusaka, Sustainable Food Systems Ireland, and Self Help Africa transform Zambia's food system with focus on Climate Action, One Health
Past event / SEI Africa is working with the National Olympic Committee of Kenya (NOC -K) to develop a Sustainability Policy and Sustainability Strategy for sports management
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