How would our lives look in a sustainable future? How can we measure and mitigate the impacts of our consumption? How can individuals and communities contribute to broader societal transitions? SEI research develops tools and knowledge to support more sustainable consumption patterns and lifestyles.
421 results / 8 of 47 pages
Journal article / Experts call for a just transition away from meat production and consumption with a five-step approach for governments to follow.
Press release / A team of scientists have presented a five-step approach to through which governments can plan a transition away from high levels of industrial meat production.
Feature / New interactive map visualizes household emission footprints in Sweden, based on the Climate Calculator tool
Past event / SEI was at the 3rd International Forum on Transboundary Air Pollution on data science for air policies in Northeast Asia on UN Clean Air Day, 2023.
Past event / The 33rd International Congress of the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research took place in St. Andrews, Scotland.
Tool / TR2AIL is an online tool that helps organizations and individuals track, report, reflect on, and take actions to reduce their travel-related emissions.
Project / SEI Tallinn assesses Estonia's capability and options to recycle post-consumer textile waste and offers the best solutions for different textile supply chains.
Project / Bringing consumption-based emissions reduction onto the EU Commission agenda.
Past event / Join SEI experts at Almedalen, June 27-July 1, as they share insights across 14 transformative events.
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