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SEI brief

How can we decarbonize road freight transport by 2030? Stakeholder-driven scenarios for the future of heavy vehicles in Sweden

This brief introduces an ongoing case study and participatory research process that explores scenarios with different combinations of technologies for lowering GHG emissions from road freight transport in Sweden.

Björn Nykvist, Timothy Suljada / Published on 12 June 2017

Nykvist, B and Suljada, T. (2017). How can we decarbonize road freight transport by 2030? Stakeholder-driven scenarios for the future of heavy vehicles in Sweden. SEI Project Brief. Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm.

The EU Horizon 2020 project TRANSrisk explores opportunities for global decarbonization pathways. This segment of the project will analyse the benefits, uncertainties and risks arising from deep structural changes required to mitigate emissions from road freight and explore what kind of governance measures can support successful future transition pathways.

This brief provides a system-wide overview of the case, and is also an invitation to stakeholders across the sector to participate and offer their feedback and insights.

Download the brief (PDF 2.4 MB)


SEI authors

Bjorn Nyqvist
Björn Nykvist

Team Leader: Energy and Industry Transitions; Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Timothy Suljada high res
Timothy Suljada

Head of Division: Resources, Rights and Development

SEI Headquarters

Topics and subtopics
Energy : Transport / Air : Transport

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