Asia’s varied ecosystems, from lush forests to urban expanses, are at the nexus of sustainable development. Most of SEI’s work in this region is coordinated by SEI Asia.
2100 results / 1 of 234 pages
Event on 02 July – 04 July / SEI Asia is leading a panel on just energy transitions in Southeast Asia and how countries can integrate a justice lens on policy and regulatory frameworks.
Event on 17 March – 20 March in Pathum Thani / The summit on 17-20 March aims to deliver a White Paper to the United Nations to make operational the UN Convention for Conserving Deltas (UNCCRD).
Event on 19 March in Amsterdam / Join international experts for a panel discussion on incorporating air pollutant emissions into the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) Framework at SFW.
Event on 26 February – 28 February in Jakarta / Taking place from 26–28 February in Jakarta, this knowledge-sharing event marks the culmination of SEI’s research collaboration under the UK PACT programme.
Feature / SEI is working with Iraq's Ministry of Water Resources to tackle the country's water crisis through various capacity strengthening and research actions.
Feature / .يعمل معهد ستوكهولم للبيئة بالتعاون مع وزارة الموارد المائية في العراق على مواجهة أزمة المياه من خلال تنفيذ مجموعة من الإجراءات البحثية وبرامج بناء القدرات
Journal article / Implementation of 49 mitigation measures could reduce Mongolia's greenhouse gas emissions by 40% in 2050 compared to the baseline.
Perspective / This article explores the impact of excessive artificial lighting, global solutions, and sustainable lighting practices in Bangkok.
Journal article / Institutional and social barriers delay implementation of burning controls: carefully designed policies are important, but decision-makers need empowering.
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