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The Nordic COP 15 Group

The Nordic countries will play an active role in the 15th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen (COP 15) taking place in December 2009.

Inactive project


Project contact

Sturle Simonsen Hauge

Denmark will host the meeting which takes place during the Swedish Presidency of the European Union. The Nordic Council of Ministers, which is the forum for Nordic governmental co-operation, has set up the Nordic COP 15 Group to contribute to a successful outcome of COP 15. SEI is hosting the project.

The Nordic countries wishes to promote an agreement on the most important elements in the negotiations, aiming at a broad international agreement on climate change. In doing so, the group have identified key elements in the negotiations where parties have different perception of its meaning; i.e. measurable, verifiable and reportable activities, sectoral approaches, sinks and deforestation, international transports, adaptation to climate change, technical transfer and legal issues.

Efforts are made in trust building and to improve understanding between key players in the multilateral process. The Nordic COP 15 Group initiates analyses, reports and workshops on these topics.

Funder: The Nordic Council of Ministers

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