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SEI brief

Sea-level rise: the impacts and economic costs of sea-level rise of coastal zones in the EU and the costs and benefits of adaptation

This technical policy briefing note provides an overview of a European-wide assessment of the impacts and economic costs of sea-level rise (SLR) as part of the ClimateCost project, and the analysis of the costs and benefits of adaptation. While coastal floods and flooding around estuaries are covered in this briefing note, inland river flooding is covered in briefing note 3.

Paul Watkiss / Published on 15 October 2013

Brown, S.; Nicholls, R.; Althanasios, V.; Hinkel, J.; Watkiss, P. (2011). Sea-level rise: the impacts and economic costs of sea-level rise of coastal zones in the EU and the costs and benefits of adaptation. Technical Policy Briefing Note Series. Oxford: Stockholm Environment Institute.

The objective of the ClimateCost project is to advance the knowledge on the economics of climate change, focusing on three key areas: the impacts and economic costs of climate change (the costs of inaction), the costs and benefits of adaptation, and the costs and benefits of long-term targets and mitigation. The project has assessed the impacts and economic costs of climate change in Europe and globally. This included a bottom-up sectoral impact assessment for Europe, including adaptation, as well as a global economic modelling analysis with sector-based impact models and computable general equilibrium models.

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Paul Watkiss

SEI Affiliated Researcher

SEI Oxford

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