Well-being is increasingly recognised as a major sustainability challenge. SEI applies innovative methods to measure the well-being effects of green space, urban design and other factors.
Journal article / Older persons have a vital role in shaping responses to climate change and building a sustainable future.
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Journal article / Urban green spaces play a vital role in enhancing health, livability and attractiveness in rapidly urbanizing cities.
Journal article / Older persons have a vital role in shaping responses to climate change and building a sustainable future.
Perspective / Gary Haq in The Conversation: governments and institutions must collect more data on how climate change impacts older adults to develop inclusive policies.
Past event / SEI and HelpAge International are hosting an online dialogue to explore challenges around ageing in a changing climate in Eurasia and the Middle East.
Feature / weADAPT has created a toolbox to help people find articles, resources, courses and avenues for discussion about the impacts of climate change on mental health.
Other publication / The Africa Clean Air Program brief gives recommendations on how reducing air pollution can benefit human health, climate and crop production.
SEI report / This SEI report gives an overview about a participatory public health project conducted during the pandemic in an informal settlement of Nairobi.
Feature / In this Q&A, Rachel Pateman, a Research Fellow at SEI York, discusses the importance of inclusivity in volunteer biological recording.
Past event / SEI and HelpAge International hosted an online dialogue to explore challenges around ageing in a changing climate in Africa.
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