Marc Buckley, the host of Innovators Magazine’s podcast Inside Ideas interviews SEI’s Olle Olsson on the transformation of electrification to development of off-grid innovation in the WASH sector.
Close to a billion people lack access to electricity altogether and many more have unreliable connections and suffer from frequent outages. More than half of the world’s population lack access to safely managed sanitation and around 2 billion people have no access to properly managed drinking water.
How do you accelerate access to energy and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services in settings with little or no available grid infrastructure? What lessons can we learn in transforming from grid-based infrastructure to eco-friendly gridless technologies?
Listen to the podcast episode below:
The interview is based on a three-part perspective series highlighting work in the sWASH&grow project and SEI’s Gridless Solutions Initiative.
sWASH&grow collaborates with innovators and humanitarian organizations to find ways to accelerate deployment of innovative, sustainable and inclusive WASH solutions in humanitarian aid settings, while SEI’s Gridless Solutions Initiative identifies and helps mitigate key obstacles standing in the way of gridless solutions realizing their potential.
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