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Biogas for Sanitation: Closing the Nutrient Loop through Sanitation, Hygiene, Environmental Protection and Food Security in Lesotho

This document gives only an overview on the technology as it is implemented in Lesotho. It has to be emphasised in this context, that in other countries Biogas or Anaerobic Digestion Technology as well as Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Systems are implemented in locally adapted variations.

Published on 13 July 2011

WIN-SA (2011). Biogas for Sanitation: Closing the Nutrient Loop through Sanitation, Hygiene, Environmental Protection and Food Security in Lesotho. Biogas for Sanitation: Closing the Nutrient Loop through Sanitation, Hygiene, Environmental Protection and Food Security in Lesotho. WIN-SA Lesson Series. July 2011.

In 2002, a group of technicians with strong interest in the link between environmental protection and human well-being, started to implement household biogas digesters for sanitation purposes in Maseru / Lesotho. Since then, biogas systems for decentralised wastewater treatment (or Biogas DEWATS) were constructed for individual households especially in urban and peri-urban settlements and at institutions like schools, orphanages, prisons and holiday resorts countrywide.

The case study contributes to the collection of information on sustainable sanitation technologies implemented in Southern Africa within the Southern African Knowledge Node on Sustainable Sanitation (SAKNSS) network.

Topics and subtopics
Energy : Renewables / Water : Sanitation

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