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Building thriving, low-carbon cities: an overview of policy options for national governments

This report from the Coalition for Urban Transitions provides a first-ever assessment of how opportunities for low-carbon development are distributed across the world’s urban areas.

Derik Broekhoff, Georgia Piggot, Peter Erickson / Published on 9 February 2018
Download  Building Thriving, Low-Carbon Cities: An Overview of Policy Options for National Governments / PDF / 2 MB

Broekhoff, D., Piggot, G. and Erickson, P. (2018). Building Thriving, Low-Carbon Cities: An Overview of Policy Options for National Governments. Coalition for Urban Transitions. London and Washington, D.C.

Action by national governments is crucial for achieving sustainable, economically productive urban development.

A bustling night view of Dubai's skyscrapers and roads

A bustling night view of Dubai’s skyscrapers and roads. Photo: Stefano / Flickr

This report provides an overview of policy options available to national governments, as well as guidance on how to design national urban policies around low-carbon, inclusive, sustainable development goals. It clarifies the critical role of national governments in driving successful urban development and provides a framework for designing low carbon national urban policies appropriate to different national contexts.

The authors outline key considerations, including budgetary impacts, administrative burdens, technical capacity requirements, impacts on local government budgets and capacities, coordination challenges, and equity concerns. The “right” set of measures will depend on a country’s particular national circumstances.

This report comes from the Coalition for Urban Transitions, and was authored by the Stockholm Environment Institute and funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies.


Building Thriving, Low-Carbon Cities: An Overview of Policy Options for National Governments / PDF / 2 MB

SEI authors

Derik Broekhoff

Senior Scientist


Peter Erickson

SEI Affiliated Researcher


Topics and subtopics
Air : Cities / Climate : Climate policy
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