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SEI brief

Strengthening regional entities’ role in adaptation governance and implementation

This policy brief argues that there is potential for regional entities to be even stronger and more effective.

Juan Hoffmaister / Published on 7 December 2010

Hoffmaister, J. (2010). Strengthening regional entities’ role in adaptation governance and implementation. SEI Policy brief.

Regional entities can develop structures and mechanisms to meet national and regional needs, foster cooperation and coordination between stakeholders, and advance the implementation and delivery of information between the UNFCCC process and national activities.

They create mechanisms to assist and provide input into decision-making and offer new ways to address challenges at the national level.

There is potential for regional entities to be even stronger and more effective. For example, they can meet fiduciary standards for their members, expedite the delivery of funds and services,
and help assess the effectiveness of programmes.

However, for this to work, it is essential that entities be guided by principles agreed upon by all members to ensure shared priorities, equity and transparency.

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