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Taking stock of business efforts to adapt to climate change

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Taking stock of business efforts to adapt to climate change

SEI partnered with the World Economic Forum and PWC to produce this white paper that examines business action on climate change adaptation, in support of the first Global Stocktake under the Paris Agreement which concludes at COP28.

Katy Harris, Richard J. T. Klein, Mikael Allan Mikaelsson, Marion Davis / Published on 5 December 2023


World Economic Forum (2023). Taking Stock of Business Efforts to Adapt to Climate Change. WEF White Paper. World Economic Forum, Geneva.

The report is based on a survey of 30 Forbes 2000 businesses, complemented by in-depth interviews with the wider adaptation community. The research finds that businesses are doing more for adaptation than is acknowledged, but also less than they could.

The paper describes the actions that large global businesses are taking on adaptation, what is driving these actions and the barriers they face to doing more. While these barriers can be addressed, it requires businesses to work with governments, civil society and the international community to ensure that efforts can be scaled up and sustained.

The World Economic Forum aims to work with stakeholders on the report’s recommendations to foster more public-private dialogue and build partnerships that can strengthen community resilience in the face of new climate realities.

SEI authors

Katy Harris
Katy Harris

Senior Policy Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Richard J.T. Klein
Richard J. T. Klein

Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

Mikael Allan Mikaelsson
Mikael Allan Mikaelsson

Policy Fellow

SEI Headquarters

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