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Water insecurity in disaster and climate change contexts: A feminist political ecology view

Bernadette P. Resurrección uses a feminist political ecology lens to provide a holistic and grounded way of probing into people’s experiences of climate-related water insecurity and stresses using three peri-urban cases in Southeast Asia.

Bernadette P. Resurrección / Published on 25 April 2019

Resurrección, B.R. (2019). Water Insecurity in Disaster and Climate Change Contexts: A Feminist Political Ecology View. In People and Climate Change: Vulnerability, Adaptation and Social Justice. Lisa Reyes Mason and Jonathan Rigg (eds.). Oxford Scholarship Online.

This chapter applies a feminist political ecology lens to episodes of climate change-related water insecurity in three Southeast Asian peri-urban area sites affected by flooding, water shortages, and pollution induced by long dry spells and heavy precipitation.

The chapter in the book People and Climate Change: Vulnerability, Adaptation and Social Justice presents highlights from a 3-year research project that examined the everyday lives of women as they “deal with water” in the context of increasing water pollution, water scarcity, and flooding compounded by neoliberal socioeconomic conditions. These accounts illustrate how in water- and climate-change contexts, the neoliberal logics of privatization, commercialization, and reified separation between “the natural” and “the social” engage closely with emotions and intersectional gender subjectivities. The use of a feminist political ecology lens offers more holistic and grounded ways of probing into people’s experiences of climate-related water insecurity and stresses, aspects of which are often missed: gendered violence, hierarchies of place, affect, and insecurity in everyday life.

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