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The AdaptCost Africa project, funded by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) the Climate Change – Norway Partnership, is producing a range of estimates of the financial needs for climate adaptation in Africa using different evidence lines.  The study aims to help African policymakers and the international climate change community to establish a collective target for financing adaptation in Africa.

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Profile picture of Paul Watkiss
Paul Watkiss

SEI Affiliated Researcher

SEI Oxford

Profile picture of Tahia Devisscher
Tahia Devisscher

SEI Affiliated Researcher

SEI Oxford

Estimates of the costs of projects and policies to adapt to climate change and the improved understanding of adaptation processes will provide useful information for planning adaptation programmes, and support decision-making by national governments and development partners by allowing for better comparison of projects and policies on their economic grounds.  In the process, countries will also gain a better understanding of their adaptation investment requirements, and build a stronger basis for articulating their financing priorities and attracting capital.

In 2009, the methodological approaches to adaptation economics were discussed in two, week-long workshops in Nairobi with a group of African experts.  Final study results will be discussed in the context of adaptation financing strategies for Africa in a roundtable hosted in partnership with OSS, AfDB and UNEP in Tunis, Tunisia in April 2010.

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SEI Oxford

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