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Capacity building for climate change: lessons from other regimes

This brief, prepared by AdaptationWatch, puts the case that because not all countries have equal capacity to adapt to climate change, and because those with the least capacity are hit first and hardest by impacts, it is critical that the Paris Agreement’s capacity building provisions are implemented successfully.

Published on 5 October 2017

Khan, M.R. (2017). Capacity building for climate change: lessons from other regimes. AdaptationWatch Brief. AdaptationWatch.

SEI 2017 AdaptationWatch brief2
Low-lying homes in Bangladesh. Charlotte Hugman/ICCCAD

To do this, the authors argue, climate leaders must learn from existing work under other international regimes to ensure the effectiveness of their programs. This includes support for long-term capacity building, with recipient countries taking ownership of the work.

The authors analyzed data in development agency reports, and derive policy pointers from their findings. These are as follows:

  • International and national support through institutions and financing is critical for successful capacity building.
  • Capacity building must be designed to be long-term and self-sustaining.
  • National ownership by recipient countries of capacity building efforts is key to ensuring their success.
  • Education, training, and awareness-building on human rights is central to sustaining long-term capacity building.

The brief is a summary of a chapter in the forthcoming 2017 AdaptationWatch Report, to be released at COP23 in November 2017. SEI is a partner in AdaptationWatch.

Download the brief (PDF:1.7MB)

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