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Critiquing Latour’s explanation of climate change denial: moving beyond the modernity / Anthropocene binary

This article interrogates Bruno Latour’s explanation of climate change denial.

Amar Čaušević / Published on 15 November 2021

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Wrangel, C.T. and Causevic, A. (2021). Critiquing Latour’s explanation of climate change denial: moving beyond the modernity/Anthropocene binary. Millennium: Journal of International Studies.

The concept of the Anthropocene has reintroduced politics of denial at the centre of critical studies of international relations. This article interrogates Bruno Latour’s explanation of climate change denial with reference to an ontological difference between Modernity and the Anthropocene, together with his advocacy for a new language beyond the Modern gaze.

The author’s aims are twofold: to disclose how Latour’s post-human critique risks reproducing prevalent forms of climate change denial in the global North, and to question what falls outside Latour’s dualistic frame: the heterogenous ways through which climate change and the Anthropocene is met across the globe; the ambiguous relation with nature through which modernity was formed; the modernist genealogy of Anthropocene discourse; and lastly how discourses of global governance have absorbed posthumanist critique in its attempt to naturalize postcolonial power relations. At stake, claim the authors, is critical theory’s paradoxical complicity in the denialism it seeks to critique.

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