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New thinking on global water security: towards an ecohydrological perspective

A Malin Falkenmark reader

Tom Gill, Mats Lannerstad / Published on 20 October 2011

Gill, T.D. and Lannerstad, M., eds (2011). New Thinking on Global Water Security: Towards an Ecohydrological Perspective. Stockholm Environment Institute and Stockholm Resilience Centre. Stockholm.

Professor Malin Falkenmark has had a profound influence on scientific thinking on water and human development. Her intellectual journey has been driven by the need for a deepened understanding of what it really means for humanity that ‘water is the bloodstream of the biosphere’.

Her quest for this understanding has resulted in a tremendously rich academic career at the forefront of water resources research. This volume – published in celebration of Malin’s 85th birthday – captures key scientific advancements made by Malin and her research partners over the past three decades. These advancements include a deepened analysis of green-blue water interactions from the local farming scale to the level of the global water system, as well as innovative thinking on water, ecosystems, eco-hydrosolidarity, and research on water and resilience for sustainable development.

It is hoped that this collection will inspire students and professionals to continue to advance integrated water research in pursuit of a sustainable, well-fed, and prosperous world.

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Tom Gill
Tom Gill

Senior Editor


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