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How Realistic Are Expectations for the Role of Greenhouse Gas Offsets in U.S. Climate Policy? An Examination of Offset Supply Analyses

The World Resources Institute, in conjunction with the Stockholm Environmental Institute (SEI), is conducting a study to examine potential supplies of GHG offsets in a domestic cap and trade system.

Michael Lazarus, Peter Erickson / Published on 19 January 2010

Erickson, P.; Lazarus, M.; Kelly, A. (2009). How Realistic Are Expectations for the Role of Greenhouse Gas Offsets in U.S. Climate Policy? An Examination of Offset Supply Analyses. Erickson, P., M. Lazarus and A. Kelly (2009). How Realistic Are Expectations for the Role of Greenhouse Gas Offsets in U.S. Climate Policy? An Examination of Offset Supply Analyses. Washington, D.C.: WRI. World Resources institute working paper.

A sound understanding of the economics of offsets – in particular, of the potential supply of offsets under future market conditions – is critically important for policymakers as they address major design decisions in crafting climate policy.

This analysis will first identify key findings and clarify some of the assumptions, discrepancies, and shortcomings of the various efforts to quantify potential offset supply completed to date.

Based on that analysis, the WRI-SEI study will summarize existing data on the potential volume of GHG reductions that could be achieved from these sources, and present cost curves for those reductions taking into account various assumptions about key offset policy design decisions.

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SEI authors

Michael Lazarus
Michael Lazarus

Senior Scientist


Peter Erickson

SEI Affiliated Researcher


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