This paper examines how UK energy network regulation can be adapted to address the uncertainties posed by net zero climate policy, drawing on lessons from other regulatory sectors and stakeholder consultations.
Photo: Henry Ren / Unsplash
In this paper the authors explore further how energy network regulation might better be adapted to the uncertainty challenges that are raised by net zero climate policy. They do this with specific reference to energy regulation in the UK. The authors discuss the drivers of change and the nature of the uncertainty that is faced by energy regulators. Next, they examine theories of dynamic/responsive/adaptive regulation for lessons that regulators can learn in the light of net zero. They look for regulatory learning from water regulators in Scotland and England and Wales and airport regulation in London. Drawing on evidence from a recent consultation with 41 stakeholder responses, the authors explore how energy regulation might need to change in the areas of planning, uncertainty mechanisms, regulatory incentives, financing arrangements, stakeholder engagement, innovation processes, and industry governance.
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