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SEI Science Forum 2013: Book of Abstracts

The Science Forum 2013 gathers more than 80 researchers from SEI’s global organisation and 70 invited guests in a conversation spanning the policy landscape that makes up the new global development agenda.

Elise Remling, Nina Weitz / Published on 8 February 2013

Weitz, N. and E. Remling (eds.) (2013). SEI Science Forum 2013: Book of Abstracts. SEI: Stockholm, Sweden.

The SEI Science Forum 2013 addresses the challenges of today and identify tomorrow’s opportunities and includes lively discussions on subjects such as water, energy and food security, the prospects for international climate change negotiations and the urgency and co-benefits of reducing short-lived climate pollutants. The interactions at the Forum can lead to new and innovative research projects.

The Science Forum 2013 was inspired by 72 abstracts from all SEI centers, of which 21 cover completed research, 39 concern research in progress, and 12 are ideas for future research. Only 40 abstracts were selected for presentation at the Forum due to the time constraints. However, this book of abstracts includes all 72 submitted abstracts covering a wide range of topics and is a good reflection of the Institute’s activities.

SEI authors

Nina Weitz
Nina Weitz

Team Leader: Global Goals and Systems; Senior Research Fellow

SEI Headquarters

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