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SEI brief

Solar and wind power in Colombia: 2022 policy overview

part of Renewable energy

This brief provides a snapshot of the renewables landscape for wind and solar in Colombia as of 2022. The authors discuss current legislation and financing intended to help move the country closer to its potential for renewable energy sources, as well as regulation regarding societal and environmental impacts. They also provide an overview of institutions and civil society stakeholders active in renewables.

José Vega Araújo, Miquel Muñoz Cabré / Published on 9 March 2023
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Vega Araújo, J., & Muñoz Cabré, M. (2023). Solar and Wind Power in Colombia: 2022 Policy Overview. SEI Brief. Stockholm Environment Institute.

Colombia’s rich wind and solar energy potential is estimated at 30 GW and 32 GW, respectively, according to SER Colombia, which is more than Colombia’s current installed capacity of 18.8 GW. Of particular interest is La Guajira region, with world-class wind resources (average wind speeds of 9.8 m/s) and 18 GW of Colombia’s wind power potential. However, this potential has remained to a large extent untapped: the country’s operating installed capacity for solar in 2022 was 290 MW and for wind 18.4 MW representing 1.5% and 0.1% of the capacity mix, respectively.

Key messages

  • Colombia has world-class wind and solar energy potential and recent regulatory updates have enacted a robust framework of incentives. However, as of 2022, solar and wind have an operating installed capacity of just about 1.5% of the capacity mix.
  • The next five years could see a sharp increase in solar and wind capacity. If the approved capacity effectively enters into operation, shares of solar and wind energy in Colombia’s capacity mix will increase to nearly 40% by 2027.
  • The expected large deployment of wind and solar resources in Colombia can be used to leverage creation of local employment, gender equality and benefits to local communities and Indigenous peoples. This will require strengthened policy frameworks to avoid negative effects on these areas.
Wind farm in La Guajira

Wind farm in La Guajira. Photo: José Vega Araújo / SEI


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SEI authors

José Vega Araújo

Research Fellow

SEI Latin America

Miquel Muñoz Cabré

Senior Scientist


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