Antarctica’s icy expanse is a barometer for climate change, crucial for understanding global environmental shifts.
62 results / 3 of 7 pages
Journal article / This paper explores the extent to which literature has addressed M4 solutions for the sustainable provision of critical services on islands and along coastlines
Media coverage / SEI Research Fellow Daniel Duma talks to Nature about surging oil and gas profits while countries fail to invest in carbon-cutting pledges.
SEI working paper / This working paper shows the need for the active engagement of Indigenous knowledge holders in climate policy processes.
SEI report / A pilot study on how systems analysis could add value to capital management related to the SDGs identified financial stakeholders' ways forward.
Journal article / Lack of reporting and evaluation rigour hinders the assessment of adaptation effectiveness. Four challenges provide stepping stones for solutions.
Press release / The Global Transboundary Climate Risk Report 2023 reveals new evidence on ten globally significant transboundary climate risks.
Other publication / Ten case studies in transboundary climate risk illuminate the blind spots for climate policymaking in this year's report.
Perspective / Se requiere un enfoque sistémico para determinar dónde priorizar las acciones para acelerar el progreso en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible.
Perspective / A systems-thinking approach is required to figure out where to prioritize action to accelerate progress across the Sustainable Development Goals.
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