38 results / 1 of 5 pages
Journal article / This paper shows the advantages of soft measures, such as education and awareness campaigns, to handle the problem of plastic waste in the Baltic Sea Region.
Perspective / There is a feasible path to decarbonise the gas sectors of the Baltic states and Finland by 2050 or earlier.
Project / H2-SEAS project designs, builds and tests a novel, fully-integrated hydrogen-electric fishing vessel to accelerate a sustainable and accessible transition.
Project / The BioFloat project tests the concept of floating islands in three lakes in Estonia and Latvia to preserve biodiversity and restore water ecosystems.
Past event / SEI Tallinn, the City of Tallinn and Baltic Environmental Forum Estonia held a conference on transitioning to green governance.
Project / Change(K)now! promotes a mindset change of municipalities, food delivery businesses, and residents to adopt circular solutions in food delivery systems.
Project / The project TRUST ALUM helps public authorities in the Baltic countries make better use of ALUM water treatment and improve water quality in lakes.
Feature / The surge in tourism leads to seasonal fluctuations in wastewater generation, overwhelming the coastal wastewater treatment systems during the summer season.
Project / BaltiPlast aims to foster the prevention and reduction of single-use plastics and plastic packaging in the Baltic Sea Region.
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