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SEI Oxford conducts innovative research and develops new tools, networks, and platforms to generate broader insights, and to steer policies and practices toward sustainability. Our expertise spans a wide variety of disciplines, among them:

  • Climate services
  • Adaptation decision support
  • Institutional strengthening and capacity building
  • Vulnerability analysis and adaptation screening
  • Knowledge “brokering” to improve communication and learning
  • Transdisciplinary knowledge co-production processes for decision-making
  • Connections between climate change adaptation and disaster risk resilience
  • Analysis of cascading, cross-border risks from climate change

Two decades in Oxford

SEI has been working in Oxford since 2002. In September 2022, we marked the 20th anniversary of the Oxford Centre and the 15th anniversary of weADAPT, our global climate change adaptation platform and network. We observed this milestone with an event examining "The Future of Adaptation". The event included an intergenerational discussion about related issues. You can watch a video of the event, which was held at the University of Oxford Museum of Natural History.


Those of us at SEI Oxford are working in the office some days and at home some days. To reach us quickly, it’s best to use email.

Andrew Fitzgibbon

SEI Oxford Centre Director

SEI Oxford

Karen Brandon
Karen Brandon

Senior Communications Officer and Editor


SEI Oxford

General questions: [email protected]
Phone: +44 (0)1865 426316
Address: SEI Oxford, Oxford Eco Centre, Roger House, Osney Mead, Oxford, OX2 0ES, UK

Organizational chart


Organizational chart. The Management Team reports to the Centre Director. The following departments report to the Management Team: Research, Communications, and Administration.


Cultivating a new generation of researchers

SEI Oxford hosts interns from many universities. Our interns may be undergraduate students or graduate students.

We have received the “Gold Standard Internship Host” for our work with students from the University of Oxford.

Gold Standard Internship Host, The University of Oxford, The Internship Office


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