Climate action is one of the Sustainable Development Goals, but climate policies don’t necessarily align with policy plans working towards other SDGs. What does it take to change that?
Organized jointly by the UN’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, this conference aims to align the climate and SDG processes. Its objective is for participants to analyse gaps and challenges in joined-up implementation across SDGs and climate action.
SEI is contributing to the Climate & SDGs Synergies conference with a capacity-building session. Following presentations on our NDC-SDG connection tool, the SDG interactions framework and the LEAP-IBC tool, a panel with representatives from Sri Lanka, Colombia and Mongolia and moderated by our Executive Director Måns Nilsson will discuss how these tools have helped them identify synergies between climate action and the wider SDGs, what barriers still exist, and how tools could be further developed to increase synergies.
This conference is not open to the public, but it is webcast here. Follow us on @SEIclimate for our take on the outcomes.
Learn more about how SEI works to build capacities for integrated climate and SDG policy making
Tool / Analyze and compare how climate actions correspond to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Project / SEI’s SDG interactions method uses a seven-point typology to assess how progress in one target affects progress on another target.
SEI brief / Factsheet describing the LEAP-IBC tool and its application for assessing impact of air quality, climate change and energy policy scenarios
The entire three-day conference is live-streamed online. On Tuesday, 2 April, a press conference is held from 10:15-10:45, featuring:
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