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Early release of Aid Atlas: development finance tracking tool

Aid Atlas is an online platform that helps users to more easily understand how global development finance is being provided, where it is going, and what it is being used for.

Published on 9 December 2019

Because of growing interest in Aid Atlas, we are making a Beta version available now, ahead of the full launch in early 2020.

The Beta version includes all of the data, with most of it fully functional. It can already be used to explore the world of development finance.

It allows easy exploration of the data that OECD countries, some non-OECD countries, multilateral finance institutions and funds, and some philanthropies report annually to the OECD.

We are still refining some aspects of the platform, so it’s possible you may still occasionally encounter some small errors or bugs in the visualizations. Feel free to let us know if you do, it will help us to ensure these are fixed in time for full platform launch. You can contact us at [email protected].

We hope you find Aid Atlas useful and look forward to your feedback – and potential collaboration – as we further develop and use the platform.

Topics and subtopics
Governance : Finance / Climate : Finance

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