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Gregor Vulturius at TEDx Lugano: Communicating climate science

How do you explain climate science in a way that engages stakeholders who may need to adapt to changing conditions? SEI’s Gregor Vulturius shares lessons from his work with Swedish forest owners.

Marion Davis / Published on 19 May 2014

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Gregor Vulturius at the Tedx
Gregor Vulturius at the Tedx

One of the biggest challenges in translating climate science into policy and on-the-ground action is how to present complex scientific messages in ways that resonate with lay audiences, but don’t oversimplify or sensationalize.

As part of the MISTRA Swecia project, SEI has been working directly with Swedish forest owners, raising their awareness of how climate change will affect forests in different areas in Sweden and identifying potential adaptation measures. A key focus of the work has been trying to understand how people learn about climate change, and how learning can transform people’s mindsets and behaviours – what does it take to truly engage stakeholders?

Research Associate Gregor Vulturius was invited to share insights from this work at TEDx Lugano, an independent TED event held in Lugano, Switzerland on 12 April. The theme for the day was “A Lens of Opportunity”.

In 15 minutes, Vulturius explains what he had learned in the field and apply that to improving scientific communications to the public. Climate change is a critical issue, but in order to make effective changes scientific findings must be shared with the greater public in a way that is easy to understand. Vulturius offers five key steps to bridging the gap.

Download the presentation slides (PDF, 1.56MB)

Click below to watch the TEDx talk:

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