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Better environmental decisions in the waste and energy sectors – MiST

This project aimed at better environmental decisions and planning in the energy and waste sectors. It is part of the Swedish research programme “Tools for Environmental Assessment in Strategic Decision Making” (MiST).

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Project contact

Sturle Simonsen Hauge

Related people

Måns Nilsson
Måns Nilsson

Executive Director

SEI Headquarters

In this context ”better” has two dimensions:

First, it refers to a better correspondence between national, regional and local environmental goals on one hand and local planning, decision-making and implementation on the other (environmental effectiveness).

Secondly, it refers to better planning and decision-making processes regarding the participative and democratic dimensions (process effectiveness).

These two aspects of better decisions were studied in an integrated manner and their interrelations will be analysed.The application of various tools could potentially contribute to better environmental decisions both regarding the environmental efficiency (strategic analytical tools) as well as the process efficiency (participative process tools).

This project provided an analytical overview of strategic analytical and participative tools for use in decision-making and planning in the waste and energy sectors.

The overview included; experiences from their use, their environmental focus, their applicability, their interrelation, their development and adaptation to local, regional and national actors and their resource needs.

Funder: The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Swedish EPA)

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