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SEI European Land Cover Map

The Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) Convention’s harmonization land cover map (formerly the SEI European Land Cover Map, 2006 Revision) is a digital spatial dataset designed for environmental modelling applications requiring continental scale land cover information.

Inactive project


Project contact

Sturle Simonsen Hauge

Related people

Howard Cambridge

Research Support Group Manager

SEI York

Steve Cinderby

Senior Research Fellow

SEI York

The dataset has been compiled for use by modellers for assessing the impacts of air pollutants on European ecosystems and agriculture. The information is being used by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE) and EMEP in assessing tropospheric ozone impacts.

The data has been compiled from a mixture of existing digital and paper sources including the European Environment Agency (EEA) Corine Land Cover 2000, SEI Land European Cover Map (2002 Revision), FAO Soil Map of the World, EEA European Biogeographical regions (2005).

The data have been modelled and combined to generate classes differentiating between various European Nature Information System (EUNIS) codes ( The dataset contains information down to EUNIS level 3 for specific habitat types.

The LRTAP data was used to identify the extent of agricultural land (EUNIS code – I1: Arable land and market gardens) and pasture (EUNIS code – E2: Mesic grasslands) in the UK. Additional data from the IGBP was then used to differentiate crop distribution.

Further details available:

Methodology for the creation of the dataset available from CCE Progress Report 2007 Page 59 -70

and how it is being used in the LRTAP Convention from CCE progress report 2009.  

Related centres
SEI York

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