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GIFT for Europe (Green Ideas for Tourism for Europe)

The aim of the project GIFT for Europe (Green Ideas for Tourism for Europe) was to empower tourism businesses as well as students and teachers of tourism to take sustainable choices in their sector. In order to achieve this, a comprehensive and easy to use online tool enabling to teach the principles of environmental impact was created as part of the project.

Inactive project


Project contact

Harri Moora /

Project team

Evelin Piirsalu

Senior Expert (Green and Circular Economic Transformations Unit)

SEI Tallinn

Harri Moora

Head of Unit, Senior Expert (Green and Circular Economic Transformations Unit)

SEI Tallinn

The core idea of the online tool is to offer an environmental impact overview of a given tourism business (hotel, restaurant, travel agency, tourist site etc.). This interactive online tool simulates the components that make up the environmental impact of a certain tourism establishment. The different components in this online tool are modifiable and created by mathematical formulas. The choices that the user makes reflect on the level of environmental sustainability of the entire business, which will be automatically calculated.

The online tool has been created in three project countries – Estonia, Finland and Bulgaria and ready to use as a teaching aid helping students and staff in tourism establishments to see the consequences and impacts of their actions on the environment.

The Erasmus + funded project is coordinated by The Centre for Inclusive Education (CIE) in Bulgaria. Other project partners in addition to SEI Tallinn include Context Learning (Finland), Ecosystem Europe (Bulgaria) and The Vocational school for tourism “Mihalaki Georgiev” – Vidin (Bulgaria).

Design and development by Soapbox.