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The Caribbean and climate change – the costs of inaction

The report provides a detailed analysis of the potential economic effects of continued climate change for the entire Caribbean region.

Frank Ackerman, Elizabeth A. Stanton, Ramón Bueno / Published on 5 March 2009

Bueno, R.; Stanton, E.,A.; Ackerman, F. (2008). The Caribbean and climate change - the costs of inaction. Bueno, R., Herzfeld, C., Stanton, E.A. and F. Ackerman (2008). The Caribbean and Climate Change: The Costs of Inaction. Report commissioned by the Environmental Defense Fund. SEI- US Centre.

The report compares two possibilities, an optimistic rapid stabilization case and a pessimistic business-as-usual case. The report focuses on three categories of effects: hurricane damage, loss of tourism revenue, and infrastructure damage due to sea-level rise.

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