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Culture and Capacity: Drought and Gender Differentiated Vulnerability of Rural Poor in Nicaragua, 1970-2010

This doctoral dissertation interprets gender-differentiated vulnerability to drought within a rural community located in the dry zone, la zona seca, of Nicaragua, a region that suffers from prolonged and, since the 1970s, more frequent droughts.

Lisa Segnestam / Published on 23 May 2014

Segnestam, L. (2014). Culture and Capacity: Drought and Gender Differentiated Vulnerability of Rural Poor in Nicaragua, 1970-2010. Doctoral dissertation, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis, Stockholm.

A combination of gender, capitals and vulnerability demonstrates the value in using a multidimensional perspective to look at the socioeconomic and cultural contexts that form individuals’ capacity to reduce their long-term vulnerability to drought.

Due to the place-based characteristics of both gender and vulnerability, the analysis builds mainly on people’s stories. These are used to create a local-level picture of households’ situation over time, how their work strategies and management of resources have varied, and how they perceived changes in capacity and vulnerability in relation to continuity and change in the climate.

An additional analysis looks at how Nicaragua’s hazard-management policies view the role and importance of interaction among societal levels and actors.

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Gender : Disaster risk

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