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Journal article

Emergence of human resilience in coastal ecosystems under environmental change

This article aims to contribute to a new synthesis of developmental, ecological, and family systems theory through a study of complex coastal ecosystems in the Sundarbans in southwest Bangladesh.

Nilufar Matin, Richard Taylor / Published on 1 July 2015

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Matin, N., and R. Taylor (2015). Emergence of human resilience in coastal ecosystems under environmental change. Ecology and Society 20(2), Art. 43.

Resilience has been studied in a number of disciplines, predominantly in psycho-social and ecological sciences. Although there are striking similarities in their approaches, the psychosocial tradition has centered on the family and its immediate surroundings, whereas the social-ecological approach has focused on macro-systems that stop at the family level.

Recently, the need for bridging these gaps has been echoed by researchers from both these traditions, particularly for promoting resilience of individuals and their wider environment in the context of natural disasters and climate change. However, a new synthesis of social-ecological and behavioral theories integrating multiple dynamic systems that interact across levels is strikingly rare.

The authors address some of these issues in the context of complex coastal ecosystems in the Sundarbans region in southwest Bangladesh soon after the Cyclone Aila, which hit the coast in May 2009. The devastation that followed tested the endurance and resilience of people and nature alike. The authors use an integrated method that combines Antonovsky’s sense of coherence scale with narrative inquiry for assessing human resilience.

The quantitative analysis addresses gender, educational, and livelihood dimensions of individual resilience. Life history narratives were found particularly useful in bringing out the underlying contexts and processes that embody individual social-ecological interactions that influence the construct of human resilience. These exercises show that the emergence of human resilience must be understood as a holistic and dynamic process, because the variables that contribute to its emergence interact in complex ways.

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Richard Taylor

Senior Research Fellow

SEI Oxford

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10.5751/ES-07321-200243 Open access
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Land : Ecosystems
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