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Environmental governance in an increasingly complex world: reflections on transdisciplinary collaborations for knowledge coproduction and learning

The authors of this editorial argue that participatory and collaborative processes deserve to play a central role in the environmental governance discourse. The authors introduce a special issue of the journal, Environmental Policy and Governance, focusing on collaboration and shared learning between practitioners and academics.

Åsa Gerger Swartling / Published on 11 March 2019

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Rodela, R., Gerger Swartling, A., (2019). Environmental governance in an increasingly complex world: reflections on transdisciplinary collaborations for knowledge coproduction and learning. Environmental Policy and Governance, 219. 1-4.

Scientists do not have all the answers when it comes to environmental governance, a field of research, policy, and practice where advancement remains to be made. The authors suggest that participatory and collaborative processes that facilitate knowledge coproduction deserve to play a central role in the environmental governance discourse. This editorial provides an overview of six articles selected for a special edition of the journal Environmental Policy and Governance. The aim of the special edition is to contribute to understanding of the issues and debate surrounding the role of coproduction of knowledge and learning in environmental governance.

Better understanding of coproduction processes is important, particularly in light of increasing recognition that successful governance should take into account the perspectives and interests of multiple stakeholders, and that these stakeholders should be involved in making decisions. Though knowledge co-production is the subject of many articles, important knowledge gaps are evident when it comes to transdisciplinary collaborations for environmental governance. Recent scholarship has underscored the need to further examine related issues, among them:

  • Exploring the links among learning, governance models, and sustainability.
  • Developing more comprehensive theoretical frameworks.
  • Building the theoretical base, and working to improve empirical clarity in terms of how different governance models perform.
  • Expanding understanding of what activities, interventions, and conditions best favour knowledge coproduction.
  • Thinking about how to support and maintain transdisciplinary collaborations over time, particularly when the participants’ views and value systems diverge.
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Åsa Gerger Swartling
Åsa Gerger Swartling

Head of Knowledge Management, Senior Research Fellow

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SEI Headquarters

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Governance : Public policy / Climate : Adaptation
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