SEI examines the links between water, energy and food production, and enables people to govern and manage these resources and systems to sustainably meet human aspirations.
Feature / Droughts, deforestation, and a growing population threaten the delicate balance of water, energy, and food (WEF) security.
184 results / 1 of 21 pages
Event on 27 April – 02 May in Vienna / SEI researchers are seeking abstracts from practitioners and scholars for their session at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2025 in Vienna.
SEI brief / This brief compares the extra evaporation caused by four lower Snake River dams in Washington state, US, with predicted evaporation of an undisturbed river.
Past event / Our complete guide to SEI researchers' contributions to AGU24, the American Geophysical Union's Annual Meeting taking place 9–13 Dec. in Washington, D.C., US.
Past event / SEI conveners seek abstracts from researchers for their session on water, energy and food modelling at the American Geophysical Union annual conference.
Past event / Join these expert discussions 10 December at this satellite event to AGU24 to learn more about how best to translate research into practice in water and energy.
Feature / SEI Africa conducts the third and final session of a comprehensive training series on SEI tools in Nyeri County, Kenya.
Past event / SEI Africa hosts a national dialogue to explore how the water-energy-food nexus can drive climate resilience and sustainable development in Kenya.
Past event / Join SEI Africa's impactful discussion at the Africa Hydrological Conference at Cario / Africa Water Week 2024
Feature / Read about SEI Africa's impactful work in promoting Ecosystem based Adaptation in the Ewaso Ng'iro North Catchment, Kenya
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