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This initiative brings SEI expertise to bear in the emerging field of climate services – the production, tailoring, interpretation and transfer of high-quality climate information to support planning and decision-making – with a focus on adaptation and disaster resilience.
Sukaina Bharwani / sukaina.bharwani@sei.orgÅsa Gerger Swartling /
The SEI Initiative on Climate Services ended in 2019. You can find a summary of the key results and achievements from the initiative here.
Knowledge and information are crucial for climate action. Climate extremes are expected to become more severe. Temperatures, rainfall, the timing and severity of storm patterns are in flux. These changes affect livelihoods and lives. To be useful, information about these changes needs to be timely, high-quality, relevant and accessible to people, particularly to vulnerable populations, some of them living in the world’s most remote corners.
Meeting these needs is the focus of an emerging field called climate services, which aims to bridge the gap between climate science and policy and practice so that people can make practical decisions about how best to adapt in ways that build resilience to natural and man-made disasters.
Climate services draw on a variety of sources. Scientific research and meteorological and climate models are important, but so are practical experiences and local and indigenous knowledge. SEI’s climate services sees working together with users as an essential component both to guide the production and tailoring of climate information (to meet context-specific needs) and to be able to apply that information.
In fact, the essence of the philosophy that underpins our work can be captured by a single prefix: “co”.
Co-exploration and co-production are our bywords. That is to say, we do things collaboratively, not for users but with them.
This, too, represents a new way of doing science. Our work at this research frontier is intended to break down the so-called “ivory tower” that can isolate scientists, and science itself, from policymakers who are making decisions that cry out for better understanding of state-of-the-art climate knowledge. We aim to co-explore key issues, and to co-produce new, relevant climate knowledge tailored to users’ specific needs. The ultimate goal, is to set the stage for the implementation of science-informed policies that enhance lives and livelihoods.
This is capacity-building work running along a two-way street. That is, this approach builds the knowledge, skills and capacities of users so that they can better understand and interpret climate information; at the same time, this approach builds the skills and capacities of scientists and intermediaries who provide and translate the information so that they can better communicate and collaborate with users.
SEI has a strong track record of producing climate knowledge, building capacity and supporting decision-making on development, mitigation, adaptation and disaster risk reduction.
The climate services initiative aims to strengthen SEI’s contributions to these fields by developing new approaches for the improved design, use and interpretation of climate services, that we are refining and testing particularly those focused on adaptation and disaster resilience. Our services aim to extend from the local to the national level, and to both developed and developing countries.
A cornerstone of the initiative is the Tandem Framework that explains best practices for the co-design of climate services involving the input of scientists, intermediaries, and potential users of these services.
The Tandem offers step-by-step guidance to work together to improve the process and, ultimately, enhance the design of climate services. SEI is rigorously testing and refining the Tandem framework to ensure its applicability in a wide range of settings. The scope of these efforts is conceptually broad, covering a range of:
The results will be published in peer-reviewed literature and learning will be shared through an interactive version of the Tandem framework as online guidance. Findings will also support a community of practice on weADAPT.
Broadly, the initiative focuses on three objectives:
The initiative core team includes a range of disciplines (social geography, anthropology, sociology, environmental science, political science, behavioural science, climate science, computer science and communications), skill sets, and experience building and designing decision support tools and knowledge platforms. Our Climate Services Initiative capitalises on the expertise of colleagues working in offices in Stockholm, Bangkok, Bogotá, Nairobi, and Oxford, and in the field. Our work also taps the experience and expertise of our extensive network of partners, among them, the global Climate Knowledge Brokers Group, in which SEI researchers are active participants.
We engage with the broader research, policy and practice communities, by producing publications for academic and non-academic audiences, and by participating in a wide range of global conferences and specialist events that keep us abreast of the most current trends in climate adaptation research.
Feature / The SEI Initiative on Climate Services generated new insights about co-design and co-production proocesses to integrate climate science into adaptation policy.
18 May 2020 / About Adaptation, Cities, Climate services, Disaster Risk and Participation
Tool / Tandem guidance is an interactive, online tool to help scientists and decision-makers collaborate to improve climate change adaptation planning and policies.
About Adaptation and Climate services
Feature / Learning Labs, created by SEI and partners for southern African cities, underscore the importance of collaboration to address urgent climate adaptation needs.
14 January 2020 / About Adaptation, Cities and Climate services
SEI brief / Here are 10 ways that climate service providers can support climate change adaptation planning and decision-making.
8 January 2020 / About Adaptation, Cities, Climate services and Disaster Risk
SEI brief / Two Swedish case studies offer insights about how to improve "co-design" processes to support climate change adaptation planning for natural hazards.
4 February 2020 / About Adaptation and Climate services
SEI brief / Climate services can help agriculture in African countries adapt to climate change.
17 January 2020 / About Adaptation, Climate services and Food and agriculture
Journal article / Findings from a new study suggest that climate communication increased the urgency and intention to take adaptive action among Swedish forest owners.
13 January 2020 / About Adaptation, Forests and Participation
Journal article / This article examines the effects of participatory, science-based climate change communication on adaptation efforts of forest owners in Sweden.
25 September 2019 / About Adaptation
Feature / The Tandem framework provides a new approach for scientists and decision-makers to work together to make climate science more relevant and usable.
23 May 2019 / About Adaptation
Feature / SEI case studies are testing new, more collaborative approaches for helping places around the world better adapt to climate change.
3 April 2019 / About Adaptation and Climate services
Perspective / Researchers working in Lusaka reflect on the connections between health, climate change, urban growth, and collaborative policymaking in urban Africa.
1 February 2019 / About Adaptation, Cities, Climate services and Sanitation
Other publication / This white paper offers recommendations for mobilizing social science and humanities research to address climate change-related societal issues.
28 February 2019 / About Adaptation
Media coverage / Learning Lab process yields fresh perspectives on practical climate concerns in nine African cities.
31 January 2019 / About Adaptation, Climate policy, Participation and Water resources
Feature / SEI signed an MoU formalising its participation in a global network of climate centres to address capacity development in climate change.
30 May 2018 / About Climate policy and Climate services
Feature / New SEI work highlights adaptation projects that illustrate how Africa's urban areas can adapt to climate change and work toward achieving the SDGs.
15 August 2017 / About Adaptation, Cities, Climate policy and Sustainable Development Goals
Feature / weADAPT, SEI’s global platform and network for climate change adaptation issues, is marking its 10th anniversary in 2017.
25 October 2017 / About Adaptation, Climate policy, Climate services, Disaster Risk, Mitigation and Short lived climate pollutants
Perspective / Taxonomy not only helps us sort through information – it also helps us make sense of complex topics and grapple with differences in our understanding.
29 March 2017 / About Adaptation and Climate services
Feature / More than 250 people will meet in Cape Town to explore how capacity-building and education can improve the use of climate information in decision-making.
24 February 2017 / About Adaptation, Climate policy, Climate services, Mitigation and Public policy
Perspective / From texts about pests to climate podcasts for women farmers, panellists at a COP22 event co-hosted by SEI offered many useful examples and insights.
6 December 2016 / About Climate services and Food and agriculture
Perspective / Producing actionable information for urban decision-making is crucial in order to take early action for urban resilience.
19 October 2016 / About Climate services
SEI brief / Here are 10 ways that climate service providers can support climate change adaptation planning and decision-making.
8 January 2020 / About Adaptation, Cities, Climate services and Disaster Risk
SEI brief / Two Swedish case studies offer insights about how to improve "co-design" processes to support climate change adaptation planning for natural hazards.
4 February 2020 / About Adaptation and Climate services
SEI brief / Climate services can help agriculture in African countries adapt to climate change.
17 January 2020 / About Adaptation, Climate services and Food and agriculture
Journal article / Findings from a new study suggest that climate communication increased the urgency and intention to take adaptive action among Swedish forest owners.
13 January 2020 / About Adaptation, Forests and Participation
Journal article / This article examines the effects of participatory, science-based climate change communication on adaptation efforts of forest owners in Sweden.
25 September 2019 / About Adaptation
SEI brief / SEI's Tandem framework offers guidance to co-design climate services with scientists and intended users as full design partners.
23 May 2019 / About Adaptation
Journal article / This editorial, introducing a special edition of the journal Environmental Policy and Governance, addresses transdisciplinary collaborations.
11 March 2019 / About Adaptation and Public policy
Other publication / This white paper offers recommendations for mobilizing social science and humanities research to address climate change-related societal issues.
28 February 2019 / About Adaptation
Journal article / Science‐stakeholder collaboration can address mismatches between research and decision-making. Get results from Swedish forestry-sector collaboration.
25 January 2019 / About Adaptation, Climate services and Participation
Journal article / New research explores constraints faced by climate service producers in delivering actionable information for climate adaptation.
11 January 2019 / About Adaptation
Other publication / The authors advocate for the creation of a climate change "translator" to help climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction communities communicate better.
31 January 2018 / About Adaptation, Climate services and Disaster Risk
SEI working paper / This working paper analyses 12 decision-making methods in the context of climate change adaptation in urban regions of Southern Africa.
2 August 2017 / About Adaptation, Cities and Public policy
Journal article / This article examines the use of subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) predictions in a range of applications and planning situations.
6 April 2017 / About Adaptation
Journal article / This journal article aims to further understand climate change adaptation processes for forest owners in Sweden.
8 March 2017 / About Adaptation, Forests and Participation
SEI working paper
22 February 2017 / About Participation
SEI brief
30 October 2016 / About Climate services and Disaster Risk
Other publication
12 February 2016 / About Adaptation, Behaviour and choice, Bioeconomy, Business, Forests and Participation
SEI brief
11 January 2016 / About Public policy
Other publication
18 November 2015 / About Adaptation, Climate services and Forests
Other publication
18 August 2015 / About Adaptation, Climate services, Forests and Participation
Journal article
13 January 2015 / About Adaptation, Forests and Participation
Journal article
17 December 2013 / About Adaptation, Participation and Public policy
Other publication / Mistra-SWECIA develops methods to communicate new knowledge about climate change mitigation and adaptation to stakeholders in the Swedish forestry sector.
25 August 2014 / About Adaptation, Climate services, Forests, Mitigation and Participation
Journal article
27 June 2014 / About Adaptation, Climate services, Forests and Participation
Other publication
7 August 2013 / About Adaptation, Climate services and Food and agriculture
Other publication
20 June 2013 / About Adaptation and Climate services
Feature / New SEI work highlights adaptation projects that illustrate how Africa's urban areas can adapt to climate change and work toward achieving the SDGs.
15 August 2017 / About Adaptation, Cities, Climate policy and Sustainable Development Goals
Head of Knowledge Management, Senior Research Fellow
Global Operations
SEI Headquarters
Team Leader: Cities, Communities and Consumption; Senior Research Fellow
SEI Headquarters
Feature / Learning Labs, created by SEI and partners for southern African cities, underscore the importance of collaboration to address urgent climate adaptation needs.
14 January 2020 / About Adaptation, Cities and Climate services
Perspective / Researchers working in Lusaka reflect on the connections between health, climate change, urban growth, and collaborative policymaking in urban Africa.
1 February 2019 / About Adaptation, Cities, Climate services and Sanitation
Tool / weADAPT is SEI's pioneering, user-led platform and network for climate change adaptation.
About Adaptation, Behaviour and choice, Climate services, Disaster Risk, Finance and Innovation
Design and development by Soapbox.