This fact sheet presents the work of the Gender, Environment and Development (GED) research cluster in SEI Asia, a team of gender professionals with a particular interest in how inequalities affect the use of natural resources in the course of development.
GED applies a gender and social equity perspective to environment and development issues, contributing to transformative policy agendas. The cluster is working towards socially inclusive and sustainable development where decision and policy making processes are informed by research, represent interests of different social groups, and address key drivers of gender and social injustice. We bring our findings to the attention of decision-makers, civil society actors and other knowledge producers, and engage with them to form a network of researchers, practitioners and advocates.
The researchers contribute to debates around gender and environment, feminist political ecology, ecofeminism, and other gender analysis and methodological frameworks. The team has a strong social science background, with expertise drawing from development studies, political science, human geography and natural resource management. We work in multidisciplinary teams across the seven SEI centres worldwide.
Although GED is based in SEI’s Asia Centre in Bangkok, it works with SEI colleagues in multidisciplinary teams across the seven SEI centres worldwide. GED members also have extensive experience in gender mainstreaming, capacity building and mentoring, and program management in partnership with local and international development organizations, research institutes, and government agencies.
GED is focusing its research on two sets of issues of prime importance for development in Asia: a. Disasters and climate change b. Large-scale land and water investments in Asia. GED is involved in a range of projects across Asia, including gender and social equity, geospatial technologies in the Mekong Region, and women’s participation in EIA.
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