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Gender and GIS: Guidance Notes

The Gender and GIS: Guidance Notes provides step-by-step guidance on integrating gender concerns in the production of GIS applications for environmental/natural resource management, disaster risk management and building resilience to climate change.

Bernadette P. Resurrección, Karlee Johnson / Published on 16 November 2017

Resurrección, B. and Karlee Johnson (2017). Gender and GIS: Guidance Notes. SERVIR-Mekong. 2015. Gender and GIS: Guidance Notes. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center: Bangkok, Thailand.

The Gender and GIS: Guidance Notes is targeted at geographic information system (GIS) application developers and potential application users.

Specifically, the Guidance Notes:

– Gives detailed stepwise guidance on how to undertake a gender analysis that will inform the production of the GIS applications. It includes potential parameters and sample indicators for gender-disaggregated data collection;

– Offers practical advice on possible types and sources of gender-related data and information to integrate with GIS applications; and

– Provides examples of gender-sensitive GIS applications to demonstrate the effectiveness and potential of integrating gender with GIS technologies and the production processes.

The report sheds light on the concept and practice of gender mainstreaming as a policy option, and gender mainstreaming in GIS. It also provides examples from a variety of research contexts that have integrated gender in GIS in one form or another. Based on the contexts and experiences presented, the report details the key steps for developing gender-sensitive GIS applications, which includes conducting a gender analysis, collecting gender-disaggregated data and geo-referencing the data.

The report was produced by SERVIR-Mekong. SERVIR-Mekong is being implemented by a consortium of partners led by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), and includes the Spatial Informatics Group (SIG), Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and Deltares. The program is supported by the United State Agency for International Development (USAID) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

Download the working paper (external link) (PDF).

SEI authors

Topics and subtopics
Gender : Disaster risk
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SEI Asia

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